Funded by the European Union

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Project Partners

ttg team training
team training is a provider of adult education as well as social work and offers vocational training, job services, language courses, and general further education as well as counselling and coaching. Our participants include job seekers, early school leavers, long-term unemployed, migrants, single parents, business founders and many more. We offer different supporting measures for those who are at risk of social exclusion and combine education with individual case support. In addition team training has built a wide regional network with other aid organisations and cooperates closely with the regional public employment services.
kultusministerium Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports in Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
In charge for the regional education system (subsidiarity) with ca. 380 staff. Responsible for: general school system; VET; basic education; private school system; teacher education; pedagogical seminar - teacher’s training; examination regulation; science & research of education; communication of educational information and educational guidance; long-distance teaching; interregional & international cultural affairs; early childhood education, Kindergarten; field of youth and sports. The Department 55 "Further education/Lifelong Learning" is responsible for all activities and initiatives which support Lifelong Learning as the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. We are the initiator and moderator of the Alliance for Lifelong Learning with more than 50 educational associations and partners in further education in Baden-Württemberg.
aidrom AIDRom Association
AIDRom Association was established in 1991 as collaboration between the Orthodox, Calvin Reformed and the Lutheran Church from Romania, later on the Evangelical Presbyterian and Armenian Church joined the initiative. Our expertise consists in supporting the spiritually development of Romanian society and help those in need. Today AIDRom operates 3 regional counselling centres in Romania, offering complex social assistance to vulnerable groups as well as a safe house for victims of human trafficking and 2 shelters for asylum seekers, in strong cooperation with Romanian governmental authorities. Our staff is made of over 30 hired people: managers, social workers, legal advisers, psychologists, teachers and auxiliary staff.
AJOFM Galati
County Agency for Employment Galati (AJOFM Galati), like public institutions, offers many services for job seekers and employers. The mission of AJOFM is to provide quality services in order to decrease, prevent and protect the citizens and to avoid the social effects conditioned by the unemployment by implementing active measures like professional guidance, consultancy, professional training courses, EURES counselling, job fairs, measures in order to stimulate the employment and the mobility; subsidies for employers; social protection of unemployed and insertion services on the labour market; writing and implementing projects with European funds for different disadvantaged categories, etc.
amfss AMFSS
AMFSS - Multifunctional Philanthropically Association St. Spiridon Galati is a social non-governmental, non-profit organisation promoting the Christian idea of helping your brother and offering assistance and counselling to vulnerable target group members.
AMFSS works since 28.03.2014 and it is a descendant of the Day-Care Center for Children from the St. Spiridon Parish which was opened in 2009.
AMFSS focuses on two directions: on one hand, it provides social services for children in order to prevent school dropping, to ensure school recovery and socialising, leisure time, self and professional development acquisition of skills with the goal of preparing them for the further education and labour market and on the other hand, it provides social services dedicated to the parents/adults in order to building awareness on the importance of permanent education and employment. Such an attitude provides a secure environment for the whole family. This kind of social service is a component of our work which is in course of development.
tor Territorial organisation of the scientific and technical specialists – Ruse
Territorial organisation of the scientific and technical specialists – Ruse (TO-Ruse) is a non-governmental association, encouraging the creative activity, professional interests and achievements of Bulgarian specialists. The association is a descendant of the first Technical Association in Bulgaria, founded in 1885 and is a member of the Federation of Scientific Unions in Bulgaria. The activities of TO-Ruse are mainly in two areas – research and qualification, and in the last few years the qualifications services have been a priority for the organisation.
TO-Ruse has over 50-year traditions on the adult qualification market in the region and is one of the preferred partners for business and other stakeholders.
Since 2008, the organisation has been licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training as a Vocational Training Centre for 40 professions and 74 specialities. The Training Centre organises also courses for acquiring specific licences, short-term trainings, according to specific regulations of Bulgarian law and various key competences trainings.
uni-ruse University of Ruse Angel Kanchev (URAK) University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" is an autonomous accredited state higher school, which celebrated its 70ieth Anniversary in 2015 as the first higher institution outside the capital of Bulgaria. There are eight faculties in the structure of the University: Agrarian and Industrial; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation; Transport; Business and Management; Natural Sciences and Education; Law; Public Health and Healthcare; two Branches in Silistra and Razgrad. Some of the Centres that function within the structure of URAK are: Bulgarian - Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre; Entrepreneurship Promotion; Continuing Education; Education for Third Age; Career Development; Distance Learning; Technology Transfer.


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